"Ashkenazi Residence-Main Stair Hall Chandelier"
cast and fabricated bronze, slumped plate glass and crystal -
all patternwork, casting, fabricating, slumping and crystal work
done at CP&I for Ike & Klingerman Architects 2000

"Ashkenazi Residence-Main Stair Hall Chandelier"
plaster pattern for upper chandelier section
Ike & Klingerman Architects 2000

"Ashkenazi Residence-Main Stair Hall Chandelier"
cast bronze of upper chandelier section
Ike & Klingerman Architects 2000

"Bronze Rams Head water faucet"
by Glenn Campbell 1995
commissioned by Ike & Klingerman Architects

"25' Bronze and Copper Cactus", 2001
commisioned sculpture for interior of professional building near Atlantic City- all design, fabriction and installation done by CP&I

"25' Bronze and Copper Cactus" 2001
steel armature and bronze plate detail of 25' Cactus

"Ashkenazi Residence-living room table"
steel, guilded bronze and glass fabricated table
for Robert Stern Architects 1989

"Skidmore College Rare Collections Library
bronze and mohogany columns"
bronze capitals - pattern and bronzework
from architects prints Mesick, Cohen & Waite 1995

"Skidmore College Rare Collections Library-
bronze and mohogany columns"
bronze column bases - pattern and bronzework
from architects prints Mesick, Cohen & Waite 1995

"Skidmore College Rare Collections Library-
bronze and mohogany columns"
bronze capitals- pattern and bronzework
from architects prints Mesick, Cohen & Waite 1995

"Vermont State House restoration-bronze and marble steam screens"
bronze recreation of original screens from old photos
and molds taken from other screens
for Mesick, Cohen & Waite Architects 1994

"Vermont State House restoration-bronze and marble steam screens"
bronze recreation of original screens from old photos
and molds taken from other screens
for Mesick, Cohen & Waite Architects 1994

"Adams House-plaster restoration"
moldwork, plaster casts and restoration for NBF Architects 1997

"St Pauls School restoration"
granite original from school relocated to a courtyard in downtown Concord, HN 1994

"St Pauls School restoration"
site mold from granite original Concord, NH 1994

"St Pauls School restoration"
pattern and moldwork for precast concrete company 1994